Vote March 4 for Fresh Energy on the Brattleboro Selectboard!

We need a new voice on the Brattleboro Selectboard. Born and raised in Brattleboro, I care deeply about Brattleboro. As I knock on doors across town, I keep hearing residents say their income isn't keeping up with taxes and rent, they're worried about safety, and they are concerned about our neighbors without shelter. Taking up the hard fight -- and bringing people together for solutions -- is what I have always done, and is exactly what I will do when you elect me to the Brattleboro Selectboard.

Watch this short interview with me on Brattleboro Community Television

I describe my success bringing together Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Progressives, and Independents for peace and prosperity for Americans. I want to bring this leadership to Brattleboro's government, to make our community stronger.

Keep your family safe.

The growing gap between the richest and poorest Vermonters, lack of decent housing, addiction, and increasing climate disasters are real problems. Some of our neighbors risk freezing to death during the cold months. Serious crime in Brattleboro increased by 16% in 2024. To address these problems, we need each other. There is not a quick fix, but lots of room for creativity and leadership.

Keep Brattleboro affordable.

We all want a place where we can afford our expenses and save for the future. Massive property tax increases make that difficult. Most of our incomes are not keeping up with property tax hikes. Let’s make it easier for working families to stay here; we need to get spending under control and plan wisely for the future.

Love your neighbor.

During these difficult years ahead, Brattleboro needs a local leader who will stand up for all our families. Isaac is that trusted and caring neighbor who will bring balance to the selectboard and stand up against bullying. Isaac brings people together, building bridges between our communities here in Brattleboro.

Join us!

Follow @IsaacForVT on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for the latest news and events! Email to volunteer, endorse, or to host a soup party or yard sign.

Election Day is March 4!

Vote on Tuesday, March 4 at the American Legion (32 Linden St.). Poll is open 7am to 7pm.


  • "One of the greatest privileges of serving in public office is learning from the people you represent. I cherished those conversations and the opportunity to share how they shaped my decision-making. Isaac is wired the same way. He listens, learns, and takes action. I believe he will be a voice for all of us on the Select Board." - Rep. Tristan Toleno, Retired Vermont State Representative 

  • "Isaac is an inspiring young man who rises to the top of this list of candidates based on his experience and commitment to strengthen Brattleboro. He is incredibly articulate and outspoken and not afraid to ask the hard questions, bringing transparency to the workings of the Selectboard and our town government." - Betsy Gentile, Former Executive Director of Brattleboro Chamber of Commerce

  • "At this time in America, we need leaders who aren’t just going to go with the flow, but who are going to impact the tide. We need leaders who aren’t afraid to speak out when things are wrong — even if it’s difficult. We need leaders who value everyone in the community and equitably listen to us. I know Isaac will do all of these things and more." - Addie Lentzner, College Student from Southern Vermont

  • "I admire the way he has shown a light on the way the current Select Board has stonewalled the RTM Finance Committee and its recommendations. I know he will bring a more responsible fiscal outlook to the board.... Isaac has the experience to understand how Brattleboro has evolved and the vision to see where the town can grow and improve." - George Carvill, Town Meeting Representative

  • "Isaac was one of my students at BAMS, whom I remember fondly. Isaac was a courageous young man whom even as an adolescent stood for what he believed was right. His leadership skills were evident to me in 7th grade. He earned the respect of his peers and teachers as he worked for the betterment of his team and grade. When Isaac got to high school at BUHS, he thought that the State Board of Education ought to have a student voice. He wrote a compelling and convincing letter to Governor Howard Dean stating that. Isaac was so persuasive that Governor Dean prompted the State Board to create a student position on the Board and appointed Isaac to serve. Isaac went off to college and worked out of the area for a number of years, returning a few years ago to his hometown and once again, wants to serve his community. Isaac is an honest, hard working, clear thinking man who will make an excellent selectboard member." - Andy Paciulli, Former Principal of Academy School and Brattleboro Area Middle School

  • "I'm ordinarily quite interested in national politics, but if these vast and popular programs come to an end, either in a single swoop or from a lingering death to privatization, we will need to rely on local sources of assistance and local government. I, for one, will vote for Isaac, in his mere 40s, because I believe he has the ideas, energy, and enthusiasm that will be needed to face whatever is to come our way." - Phoebe Wagner, Brattleboro Senior

  • "Born and raised in Brattleboro, Isaac has a lifetime commitment to the betterment of our community. He is a skilled community organizer and coalition builder with a passion for public policy and human rights. Isaac is a planner and a consensus builder who holds a master's degree in public administration. Make an investment in Brattleboro's future. Feel good. Vote for Issac Evans-Frantz." - Stephen Minkin, Neighbor

  • "Isaac brought his long experience as director of Action Corps, an organization that has tirelessly worked towards humanitarian-driven US foreign policy, into the classroom and helped students see how they could be part of the processes that impact their lives and the lives of so many around the world. I watched Isaac make space for and listen to students' stories and hopes, and turn these moments into sparks of action for the present and the future....I believe his vision for the town to be informed, pragmatic, and community-driven. His commitment to understanding the issues facing residents of Brattleboro and fighting for their safety and prosperity make Isaac the candidate I wholeheartedly support for Brattleboro Select Board." - Abigail Vondell, Teacher

  • "We are in a tense moment, both locally and at the national level, in which there are real threats to democratic governance. I believe in Isaac’s ability to lead with integrity, holding to his values and vision while integrating new information and community input." - Abby Mnookin, Campaign Manager