We need a new voice on the Brattleboro Selectboard. We need a leader who will step out in front of the challenges facing Brattleboro and lead—not just when it’s easy, but all the time. Born and raised in Brattleboro, I am a community builder and lead a national human rights organization from here. Taking up the hard fight is what I have always done, and is exactly what I will do on the Brattleboro Selectboard.
The growing gap between the richest and poorest Vermonters, lack of decent housing, addiction, and increasing climate disasters are real problems. Some of our neighbors risk freezing to death during the cold months. Serious crime in Brattleboro increased by 16% in 2024. To address these problems, we need each other. There is not a quick fix, but lots of room for creativity and leadership.
We all want a place where we can afford our expenses and save for the future. Massive property tax increases make that difficult. Most of our incomes are not keeping up with property tax hikes. Let’s make it easier for working families to stay here; we need to get spending under control and plan wisely for the future.
During these difficult years ahead, Brattleboro needs a local leader who will stand up for all our families. Isaac is that trusted and caring neighbor who will bring balance to the selectboard and stand up against bullying. Isaac brings people together, building bridges between our communities here in Brattleboro.
Vote on Tuesday, March 4 at the American Legion. Poll is open 7am to 7pm. Or you can vote early at the Municipal Building on Main Street.