Meet Isaac

Growing up in a low-income West Brattleboro family, I learned the value of neighbors.

Growing up in a low-income family in West Brattleboro,I learned the value of neighbors. My father had various jobs, grew much of our own food, and my mother cleaned houses and worked as a childcare provider. At one point we relied on the federal WIC program. We also depended on our neighbors when we needed support. I have traveled far but I have never forgotten where I come from.

I am running for the Brattleboro Selectboard because I believe in loving your neighbor. I believe that every person—no matter who they are or where they are from—deserves a place at the table. Our neighbors have been a lifeline for me. When I was a baby, and we were living in a building with no insulation, we were cold in the winter. Our neighbors took us in without thinking twice. They sheltered us. They fed us. I think our leaders on the Selectboard need to treat us more like my neighbors did growing up, with that sort of care.

I will bring fiscal responsibility to the Brattleboro Selectboard. As a member of the Vermont State Board of Education, I helped oversee an $886 million budget. I am an experienced manager with a Masters in Public Administration.

You can count on me to fight for your family and to lead with courage. From coming out as a teenager in this small town in the 90s, to bringing together young people from around Vermont to fight for student seats on the Vermont State Board of Education, to co-leading an international mobilization to end a war, I have put myself on the front lines for my communities big and small and for my neighbors near and far. In my roles as a member of Brattleboro's Representative Town Meeting, host of Vermont Viewpoint radio program and podcast, and secretary of the Vermont Sierra Club executive committee, I have been a voice for justice and accountability – the same voice you can count on when you elect me to the Brattleboro Selectboard.

I have spent the past 20+ years organizing Vermonters and people around the country for legislation that promotes democracy, human rights and social justice—and winning.

Built bridges to win the largest global stimulus ever. I led the national campaign for a just economic recovery from COVID. Bringing together groups that have 10s of millions of members, I built a coalition of nuns, farmers, unions and businesses – from across the political spectrum – that in August, 2021, won the biggest release of international funds in history. This included $2.7 billion in new funds for Ukraine – and likely saved hundreds of thousands of lives – with no cost to U.S. taxpayers.

Sparked the largest anti-war coordination in 2 decades. In 2020, from my desk in Brattleboro, I organized a global day of action, World Says No to War on Yemen. Over 400 organizations in 30 countries in the end signed on, making it the largest anti-war coordination since 2003.

Secured voting rights for Vermont students. Before graduating from Brattleboro Union High School, I brought together students across the state to fight for a vote on the Vermont State Board of Education. In 2000, Gov. Howard Dean appointed me as the 1st high school student with a vote on that state board. Since then I have advocated for expanded voting rights for Vermont’s youth.

Made the winning case for dental care for more Vermonters. In 2015 I did the research for a bill to help meet the dental care needs of low-income, young and elderly Vermonters. In the face of a special interest group, I talked to dentists, activists and Vermont health department officials, and my 64-page report to the Vermont State Legislature helped result in the 2016 passage of this bill. My work is helping expand the dental workforce and access to care.

Helped Congress reclaim its power over war. Starting in 2017 I co-led the campaign across the U.S. that won historic bipartisan legislation in 2018 and 2019 to end the unconstitutional war on Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East. The rallies I organized in front of the offices of key members of Congress, including Nancy Pelosi's, secured vital support for the measure. Within days of our rally at her office, she went on record to publicly oppose the war.